Category Archives: General Weirdness

Overheard From the Stall

I was in a public bathroom with three stalls. Two women come in and go into stalls on either side of me, continuing their conversation.

Woman 1: So… We know that she’s a bitch, right?

Woman 2: We know that she is not a nice person.

Woman 1: It’s such a shame. Rachel loves French but she treated her like the lazy twin.
[I’m not sure what this is in reference to… if Rachel is a twin and the less productive of the pair or if calling someone a Lazy Twin is a slur I’m not familiar with.]

Woman 2: How horrible.

Conversation interrupted by explosive farting from Woman 1, with no apologies or requests to be excused.

Woman 1: I’m mean, she’s a solid B student. Always gets B’s. I get the report card… (dramatic pause) and she gave her a C+. I called her up…

Woman 2: How unfair.

Woman 1: I called her up and I said, ‘What is the meaning of this?’ and she said, ‘Listen, middle school records don’t count toward college admissions and we’re done here.’

Woman 2: Oh my God!

Woman 1: I said, ‘We’re not done here.’

At this point I exited the bathroom, very uncomfortable. Part of me wishes I would have stayed, maybe got into the conversation. I, too, had a very bitchy French teacher. However, part of me thinks the true bitches were in that bathroom.

And, just for the record, middle school grades really don’t matter, unless those grades are F’s that make it impossible to progress beyond middle school. There is a reason for the phrase “Gentleman’s C.”

What We’re Gonna Do Right Here Is Go Back

The Way Where Were cat with colored bubblesBack.
I’m back.
What we’re gonna do right here is go back.
Back into time. To when Not Shallow was a blog.

One. Two. Three. Four.

Where have I been?

I’ll tell you where I’ve been most recently – on a trip to the most ghetto Burlington Coat Factory on the face of planet Earth. I haven’t been that on guard since I lived outside of Detroit. Going in the front door, aka running the gauntlet, I actually thought to myself, “Better be on your game. Stone face. Walk to the coats with purpose.”

And, no, it wasn’t because there were black people there. In fact, it was the scary white folks, with dead eyes and contusions on their faces.

It was the little kid trailing after his dad saying, “Daaaaadddy, am I a retard?”

Oh God, all I wanted was a cheap coat. And I got one, thanks. And so what if I had to try it on in the midst of old Starbucks cups, gum wrappers and a guy who smelled like a skunk wearing an ashtray as a hat?

Something solidified in that Burlington Coat Factory.

What’s normal? I think it’s normal to make vegan soup and go to yoga on Sunday nights. The woman standing outside Burlington Coat Factory (oh, it’s more than just coats, folks, it’s squalor) screaming into her cell phone so loudly that even when she went around the corner of the building and I was in my car, driving, with the radio on, I could still hear her, thinks that kind of conversation is normal.

What do you think is normal? Because it’s a complex world and not shallow at all, once you start looking. Have you stopped looking? I haven’t.

I’m back, I tell you. Because we all live in our  bubbles and start to think that whatever we live is normal and then – shock – Burlington Coat Factory. Or a beautiful beach with a sea turtle laying eggs. There is so much more… Don’t put your head down.

What we’re gonna do right here is go back.


It’s Almost Here!

Frankenstein's monster and a bunch of kids - looks like trouble to me!

Happy Halloweeen Eve from Frankenstein’s monster and some little kids from the 1970’s!

Where did he get those sweet shoes??

Take cover before he starts tossing those kids like rocks.


*Frankenstein and friends at Universal Studios in California, 1977


Bringing Sexy Back (Yet Again) This Halloween

woman wearing a sexy debit card costume and asking for Jell-O shots

You’ve seen them. We’ve ALL seen them. They bring forth in us, depending upon our outlook and motives, either outrage or appreciation. Sometimes we put them down but we all know that, no matter what, they aren’t going home alone on Halloween night.

It’s the Sexy Ladies of Halloween. Women who can turn any costume into a wonder of titillation.

Not all of us have that ability, you know. We don’t have the body or the will or the drive. Some of us would maintain that we don’t have the cheapness, the sluttiness, required to take part in such a thing.

My days of slutty Halloween-ness are long gone. Let me amend that – my day of slutty Halloween. For I only attempted sexy once, as a freshman in college, when I went as a hooker and my then-boyfriend went as a pimp. I know. They took away my Take Back the Night card for that one. I never, ever mentioned it in any of my Women’s Studies classes. Don’t ask, don’t tell, was the sexy Halloween policy back then.

But now it’s rampant. “When did sexy Halloween costumes become a thing?” Keith asked me the other day. “It seems like there was a time when that wasn’t the case.”

I’ll tell you the very first time I realized that Halloween costumes could be sexy. It was while watching E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial. In the Halloween scenes the mom, played by Dee Wallace, dresses up as a sexy cat. And when I say “sexy” by today’s standards it was actually very demure. She’d be shunned at the club for dressing “all Amish and shit.” But, yeah, I thought she looked kinda hot.

My friend JoEllen has a tumblr called Miss Guised that pays “homage” to sexy Halloween costumes. Each day  this month, she’s posted yet another ridiculous sexy costume, from Sexy Sriracha Sauce to a sexy highlighter pen – she’s truly found the best of the worst. Go take a look if you need some sexy inspiration – I think you’ll find that if you can’t think of a sexy costume, you’re just not trying hard enough.

As for me, I’m struggling (yet again) to come up with any costume, let alone a sexy one. But whatever I come up with I’m pretty sure I’ll be fully clothed. Just call my Sexy Otter.

Me dressed in a head-to-toe otter costume.



Hot Tub Revival

My long-time listeners (first time callers) may remember my Hot Tub People and More Hot Tub People series from earlier this year, waaaaay before I decided to try to draw. This was one of my favorite things EVER on Not Shallow.

So imagine my immense pleasure when I found this in a magazine from the 1970s:

Strange hot tub scenario from Apartment Living Magazine, 1976.

This is from an ad for Seagram’s 7 Crown – specifically for Seven & Sevens.

Whoah, baby.

I can attest to the fact that when one starts drinking Seven & Sevens, things get out of hand. I had one, debauched night of Seven & Sevens in college and that was that. Halfway through the night I decided that mixing the drink was too much work – far too many ingredients – and it was much better to simply take a sip of 7UP and then a sip of Seagram’s right from the bottle.

So the guy in this photo is going to be feeling some pain.

Speaking of pain… what the hell is going on here? Seagram’s wants you to believe that drinking their drink is going to lead to good times… but is sitting in a hot tub alone while a fully clothed woman pours cold water on your head Good Times? Maybe in feudal Japan.

Here’s the ad copy (Yeah, I can’t read it without hearing Don Draper’s voice in my head, either.)

Seagram’s 7 Crown and 7UP was invented for times like these. Not just good times. Great times.

Crisp. Refreshing. It’s the drink Americans enjoy when they’re enjoying themselves. To enjoy one yourself, simply pour an ounce and a half of Seagram’s 7 Crown over ice and add 7UP.

When you’re having fun, have Seven & Seven… America’s favorite drink.


Here’s my ad copy:

Seagram’s 7 Crown and 7UP was invented for times when you want to get laid but she wants to sit on the edge of the hot tub and play stupid water games.

Crisp. Deceptive. It’s the drink Americans turn to when they want to believe they’re enjoying themselves. To make one, fill a glass with about two-thirds Seagram’s  and a dash of 7UP, just enough to cut that alcohol taste.

When you think you might just possibly, after a few more drinks, have a moment of fun… turn to Seagram’s.


BTW, my hot tub palace, which I will open in 2016, will be called Sevens & Sevens’ 7 Crown.

The Rules of Classic Rock

Classic Rock band logos.

I grew up listening to 105.7 WAPL, “The Rockin’ Apple”  in Neenah, Wisconsin. It wasn’t exactly my station of choice but it was the station of choice for a lot of the teen boys and college dudes who worked at my dad’s store/produce farm during the summer months.

Ted Nugent, the Rolling Stones, The Who and Aerosmith all provided the soundtrack to which I washed cucumbers, beets and carrots or bagged potatoes or popcorn. I put together bunches of asparagus while listening to Jim Morrison wail about an L.A. Woman and heaved crates of sweet corn onto flat carts while Sting pleaded with Roxanne.

This was a long time ago now. All those teen and college guys have long since become adults with jobs, families, houses of their own.

What hasn’t changed, it seems, is “Classic Rock.”

Continue reading The Rules of Classic Rock

Midwestern Jaws

Sometimes when you’re swimming in a lake or a river you’ll feel a fish brush up against your leg or dart away from your foot as you plod forward on the sand.

Do you ever imagine what’s actually down there?

I always picture a trout, even if I’m not in a stream. On my darker days I’ll think maybe it was a Muskie. But not this:

A longnose gar found on a beach along the St. Croix River in Minnesota.

Next time I feel something in the water, I’m going to scream “Longnose gar!”

And don’t think you’re safe just because you stay in relatively shallow water. The longnose gar can gulp air at the surface, allowing it to live in “hot, shallow water where most other fish can’t.”


We found this along the St. Croix River at Afton State Park. Freja, our dog, sniffed it but then didn’t want anything to do with it… gar isn’t good eatin’. She’s a carp gal all the way.

Longnose gar washed up on beach along St. Croix River in Minnesota.

Snout of a longnose gar.

Mind your toes!

Whatever Happened To (The Rest of) Baby Jane?

Does this inspire you to make a found object piece of art? A wreath of doll parts, perhaps? Or maybe a macrame plant hanger with arms woven into it?

The story of the doll arm: There used to be an entire baby doll. She was cast, naked, into one of my neighbor’s yards. I longed to take a photo of the naked doll in the snow, but it was too close to their front door and, alas, they are not the sort of folks who would take kindly to someone taking an “art picture” in their yard.

The Lady of the House often storms out in the early morning hours, one eye open and the other still crusted shut with sleep, wearing clothes it looks like she slept in, ready to fight the world.

About a week after her sighting, Baby Doll disappeared. I had visions of her being brought inside, clothed in a warm doll night gown and put into a doll cradle and rocked to doll sleep. “Oh, well,” I thought. “Someone took the doll in and is enjoying her company.”

Today I found this arm at the edge of their yard.

Another broken dream. I thought Toy Story was supposed to change everything.

Taco: Musical Genius of the 1980s?

Conversation with Keith:

Keith: Would you rather see a staging of the musical Chess or a combined hits of the 80s show co-headlined by Taco and Falco?

Rebecca: I would rather see Chess.

Keith: Really?

Rebecca: Well, Falco is dead, so…

Keith: Falco is dead?

Rebecca: You didn’t know about the tragic death of Falco?

Keith: No… how did he die?

Rebecca: In a car accident! A big car crash… His life cut short…

[Note: Falco died of injuries after his car collided with a bus in the Dominican Republic in 1998. He was 40.]

Keith: Then Taco could sing all of Falco’s songs for the show… Or they could hire the number one Falco tribute act to fill in for Falco. Their name is “Eagl,” without the “e” at the end.

Rebecca: Well, I don’t like Taco that much to begin with so… I wouldn’t want to hear Taco sing “Rock Me, Amadeus.”

Keith: Taco was the musical genius of the 80s. He was really channeling the zeitgeist. What if you found out that Taco was working with Rick Rubin on a stripped-down, back-to-basics comeback album, which he would be promoting by playing clubs like First Avenue? Hey, do you think Taco and Bowie ever sang a duet? Taco and Mick Jagger?

Needless to say, I was not stirred by the prospect of a Taco return. If you don’t remember Taco, or weren’t pop culturally aware in the 80s, this is him:

Make sure you read the comments below the video… My favorite is:

“I’m scared of him but this is like the dopest song ever.”

My question: What’s up with the black face?

I Find This A Bit Charming, Don’t You?

From Craigslist:

Need a resume done, nothing too fancy as I only apply for blue collar jobs. Not looking for some CEO type job.

$20.00 or make offer.

Darren is my name.

I think it’s that ending that really grabs me. Darren is my name. It’s like the title of an after-school special or a Judy Blume book.

Apartment Hunting, 1999

I came across some notes I made in 1999, when I was still fairly new to Minneapolis and looking for an apartment to live in on my own. I’d spent the first 6 months in town living with my sister and brother-in-law, and patience on all of our parts was wearing thin, so I was looking for some Single Gal Freedom.

Here is a transcript of my notes. If you live at any of the addresses I insult below, I’m sorry you have to live in such a terrible place.

Oh, I almost forgot a very important detail. These notes are in a spiral-bound notebook with a black-and-white photo of a cat on the front. Well, rather than describing it, I’ll show it to you:

The only thing worse than using this notebook then is that I recently found it in a drawer, realized it had a lot of paper left  in it and started using it again.

The notes:

$10 month/cat [Note: I had a cat named Ella. A very bad cat.]
$30 application fee
$510 security dep. (one month rent)
Alarm systems installed.
Grand Lake Apt.

[Note: Interestingly enough, I drove by this building with my sister and she forbade me to actually look at the apartment, declaring it unfit for a single woman living alone. She meant that it seemed sketchy. About eight years later some friends of ours moved in to this same building and my husband helped them move a piano up two flights of stairs. They did not seem to be aware that people are in the business of moving musical instruments of this size professionally.]

2 1/2 story, 10 unit    $460
1828 Columbus Ave S
All-brick building
Secured entrance
Extra large 800 sq. feet
Maple floors
3 arched openings, 2 china hutches
panel mahogany doors
floor to ceiling
shower (!!?)

[Note from 2012 self: when can I move in?]

Grand Avenue 1 block
323 W 31st Street
1/2 mile to Lake Calhoun [might as well be 20 miles]
$700 1BR
sewer, water, trash, heat, laundry

[Yes, again with this apartment. I don’t know why it is written down twice. It must have been like forbidden fruit to me.]

3404 Emerson $500 MAYBE
3236 Garfield $559 NASTY
2621 Pleasant $535 BRICK BUILDING NOT BAD

2621 Pillsbury *** OK
19xx Ridgewood Ave South $550 ADDRESS??? COULDN’T FIND
Aldrich & Franklin 1 BR $475 NO SHOWER
James & 31st small 1 BR NICE STREET/HOUSES/LAKE

Final note: I did not live in any of these places. No, I opted to move into an apartment directly above Bryant Lake Bowl. Yes, this was a huge mistake. Yes, I thought I was being incredibly urban and hip.

I may be urban (but the older I get the more I suspect I’m not; I was raised in the country and it seems that, at some point, I will make my return) but I have never been hip.

To give you an idea of my lameness: there was a video store on the corner of Lake & Bryant at the time, which I  also lived directly above. I rented videos there. I would have to pass their door everyday in order to go anywhere and yet I racked up so steep a late fee on rented videos that I was no longer able to rent there unless I paid it off. I felt I could not afford to do so. I was no longer able to rent videos at the store right beneath me.

This was before Netflix.

More Hot Tub People (+ Some Sauna People)

Impromptu Date

A couple having a date in a hot tub.

“That was great. But I guess I should get around to actually fixing your cable. I’ve got other people waiting for me to show up between 1 and 6 p.m.”

“Can I interest you in a tempeh sandwich before you go?”

The Making of A Weirdo

Family sitting in hot tub.

“See, Sequoia, what your mom and I are doing here is a grand experiment. You’re either going to be an interesting person with a great sense of humor who finds her own path in life or a real fuck-up. But either way, you’re not going to like to have to wear clothes.”

Deep Thoughts

Woman thinking deep thoughts in a hot tub.

“Yeah, I think I could make it  in hip hop, if I really put my mind to it. There has to be room for a sensitive lady poet in the scene.”

Rock Lobster

Man and woman on a deck with a hot tub.

Woman: “Just another pinch of salt… This is going to be a lobster boil the likes of which Kennebunkport has never seen!”

Man: “Do I have to change out of my mini-robe before people show up?”

The Path To Womanhood

Three girls sitting in a sauna.

“No, it’s true. Whoever drinks a ladle-full of this sauna water will finally get her period. I swear.”

The Path to Manhood

Two men hanging out in a sauna.

“No, it’s true. Whoever drinks a ladle-full of this sauna water turns gay for the afternoon. You should try it. Things could get interesting. I don’t know about you but I’m getting mighty hot in this towel.”


A family on a deck.

Man: “I told them they can’t come out until they renounce the teachings of Justin Bieber. That was three days ago. But that’s fine – I’ve got nothing but time.”

For Fans of “Lost”

Hot tub that looks like it's in the middle of a jungle.

Man: “Say what you will about the Dharma Initiative, they sure know how to build a hot tub.”

Woman: “I’m so over trying to build that raft. Want to see what the Others are up to tonight?”

Hot Tub People


Woman reading in hot tub built for one.

“I can’t believe Mom used to use this for the geraniums.”


“Tomorrow I go over the Falls and prove everyone wrong.”

Lame Party

Lame party where one woman is in hot tub by herself while others stand around.

Lady In Hot Tub: Guys, the invitation said, ‘Bring your suit for hot tubbing!’

Man In Rainbow Shirt: No, it said ‘Wear your high-waisted jeans!’

Staff Meeting

Man sitting in hot tub conducting staff meeting.

“So, please have the report on the edge of the hot tub by tomorrow morning. Here’s what I’ve been working on – I think the deck needs some more foliage. Not around it but on it. So I’m doing a Power Point for that. And then I have some phone calls to make. Are you sure you don’t want to strip down and hop in here? No? Well, next week we should at least have coffee and bagels. Otherwise it doesn’t feel like a real staff meeting.”

Safety Sauna

man sitting in sauna talking to woman in hot tub

“Dr. Phillips said that whenever I don’t feel safe, I should put my robe on and go sit by myself for awhile. So that’s what I’m doing.”

“Don’t be silly, David, it’s just me. Come out of the sauna.”

“No. You’re the devil.”


Women in knitwear stare at each other over spa bath.

“Monica, you think you’re better than me, but once we’re both in our floor-length knitwear, we’re equals.”

“How long are you going to stand there, blabbing? I’d like to take my bath.”

“Well… OK… I was hoping to see your boobs but…”

“Trust me, they’re better than yours.”

“OK. I’m just going to go into the sauna and turn it up to 1500 degrees.”


Two women in a hot tub playing Dominoes.

“Oh, Helen, this is as wonderful as you said it would be. Except you know I can’t play Dominoes ever since I lost my arms in that whirlpool accident.”

These Are The Breaks

It’s finally 2012. I spent the first day of it acting on my resolution to stay current on celebrity news. I was woefully behind and so spent much of the day exclaiming, “Wow, when did that happen?”

One takeaway I wanted to share, in case you are also terribly out-of-touch with celebrity happenings, is that there were a lot of divorces in 2011. Celebrities just can’t seem to stay together. I’m not just talking about Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries here. Even I knew they would not last. He seems like a gentle but ignorant giant who makes decisions based only upon the information immediately in front of him – mostly provided by the five senses -  and his current state of mind.

“Ball. Throw through hoop.”
“Pretty, tiny girl. Marry.”
“Cute kitten not moving after I pet. Bury.”

How could he ever hope to keep up with someone as shrewd as Kim?

But now comes word that Katy Perry and Russell Brand are breaking up. But what about the wackiness? The Indian wedding. The Bookie Wooks and the fireworks. It lasted a little over a year and for most of that time she was out on tour. Shouldn’t they take a moment and try being bored together? Sit around for a night watching TV and flipping through magazines? Maybe turn to each other at some point and ask if they should order a pizza or get Thai food?

I also learned that Debra Messing and the person she was married to – an actor named Daniel Zelman – are getting divorced. Something happened to Debra Messing after the birth of her son… Suddenly I noticed that her hair wasn’t as thick as it had been. It was no longer the proud mane that starred on Will & Grace was a diminished bit player. I thought, “That’s it for Debra Messing,” and it kind of worked out that way, although I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t sickly intrigued by the show premiering this month, Smash, in which she plays some kind of agent or talent scout or something who wears glasses when she’s trying to be serious. You don’t have to have thick hair for that.

Also, Chaz Bono and Jennifer Elia are breaking up. Jennifer made it through more than most of us would have. It’s not easy having your partner appear on Dancing With the Stars and have to be supportive of that effort each week, acting as if you care how his knee/toe/hamstring/back is holding up. Chaz didn’t just undergo a sex change – he went the extra mile and changed into a just-past-middle-aged man with knee problems who likes to recount his glory days on the racquetball court.

I admit to doing zero research on this, but has Chaz Bono ever had a job? He should definitely get one now and it should be in middle management for an insurance company because he already looks the part.

Vanessa Bryant is leaving Kobe Bryant. He must have run out of the magic potion he’s been feeding her all these years. She woke up from her haze and was like, “Wait… What?” What I learned, via People Magazine, is that she was 19 when she married him. I’m not even sure that the soft spots on her skull had fully hardened. They had a baby, then they moved right into the rape scandal, he gave her that enormous Guilt Ring (the kind of ring you only get if you’re Elizabeth Taylor or your guy is trying to say, “Sorry I raped that girl.”), had another baby and then it was just endless days of being married to Kobe Bryant.

I know this one is not news, but J. Lo and Marc Anthony are splitsville. Ah, shit. I’ve been assured that the clothing line for Kohl’s is not in jeopardy.

I don’t want to be a braggart, but I could see this one coming. On New Year’s Eve 2010, they appeared together on Ryan Seacrest & Dick Clark Present Tales From the New Year’s Eve Crypt and it was obvious that the relationship was running out of gas. Marc looked bored. J. Lo was in full body suit, strutting around, and he stifled a yawn.

Actually, now that I’m thinking about it, remember when J. Lo did a triathlon the same year she had twins? She went crazy that day – she did the tri in Malibu, then immediately flew to New York to celebrate Marc’s 40th birthday with an elaborate party at a club, all with a rigor mortis grin on her face.

That says, “Trying too hard,” to me. If you’re secure in your marriage you do your tri and then hang out after the race with everyone else, talking about how much the transition from the swim to the bike sucked. You don’t go all maniac and get on a plane for a big party in NYC. She may as well have released a statement  that said:

“If I keep fantastically busy I will never notice that my marriage is a sham. Also, I will never die. And I still love Ben Affleck. Thank you.”

Also not really news: Demi and Ashton are done. I feel as if I can finally let out a sigh of relief, air I originally sucked into my lungs in shock, not over their marriage in 2005, but when I saw them dressed up as babies for a Kabbalah party.

“This must end,” I said.

By the way, I can’t believe they thought a camping trip would bring them back together. They looked miserable and bored in their camp chairs (“Yeah, that’s how camping works,” I want to tell them. “There’s not really that much to do except drink and burn sticks.”) Look, if I were trying to lure someone back, I would not do it by camping with them where there is zero sexy lighting, no hot tubs and a lot of bugs.

You can cross one worry off your list going into the new year: the Mel Gibson/Robin Gibson divorce is final. She’s getting about $400 million and news outlets are talking about the settlement as if it’s his money and she’s taking it. As if having 7 kids with that guy and being married for 30 years wasn’t work. I know, it was a choice she made, but still… I think she’s entitled to some compensation.

I’m not sure what prompted Robert Downey Jr. to make a statement a few months ago telling Hollywood it’s time to forgive Mel for being a drunk, abusive prick. I guess Downey feels that he was once at that low point, too, but look at him now, making franchise movies, taking vitamins and having children! Here is what Downey said:

“This is my f*ckin’ time… Mel and I have the same lawyer, same publicist and same shrink. I couldn’t get hired and he cast me. He said if I accepted responsibility – he called it hugging the cactus – long enough my life would take meaning and if he helped me I would help the next guy. But it was not reasonable to assume the next guy would be him.

Unless you are without sin, and if you are you are in the wrong industry, you should forgive him and let him work.”

Let him work? Well, what was The Beaver all about? Personally, I don’t think Gibson has hugged the cactus nearly long enough. Here, Mel, here’s a shot of tequila. Now get back up on that cross… I mean cactus.

As far as Downey goes, the thing about drug addicts and alcoholics who turn their lives around – they can become very annoying in their certainty that they now have all the answers and all the compassion. They definitely become more annoying (and less entertaining) than when they were high and stumbling into the wrong houses at night.

But, returning to the topic at hand, it’s not all doom and gloom for celebrity relationships!  Britney Spears is getting married again despite the fact that her eyes are clearly not the same size. Matthew McConaughey is marrying the mother of his two kids (I wonder what the decision-making process was for that one? I’m imagining him opening a beer, taking a swig and then thinking, “Ah, what the hell, why not?”)

And Rosie O’Donnell has a fiancee who is cute and normal-seeming. How does that happen? Rosie, a woman who can’t be bothered to put on a dab of foundation or the merest hint of lip gloss in order to attend a Broadway show, lands a hottie?

I know, she’s rich. But you do realize that the hottie has to sleep with Rosie at some point, don’t you?

And, in the final piece of good news, the Hollywood Beard Marriages seem to be doing just fine. All quiet on the Western front for TomKat and John Travolta/Kelly Preston. And I believe Ryan Seacrest just settled Dick Clark back into the crypt for another year and is back with Julianne Hough, although he told her he’s tired and just wants to cuddle, not do anything.

She understands.

The NSFW Snowman

First there was “Who stole the Keeshka?”

Then there was “Who moved my cheese?”

And now there’s “Who Put the D**k On The Snowman?”

Catalog item called Who Put The Dick on the Snowman?

We received a catalog in the mail from The Lighter Side Co. It’s all joke stuff or stuff you would wear/ display if you lived in a terribly hokey small town or lived anywhere in the world, really, but just had bad taste. Keith and I have both taken turns, since it arrived, in examining it in great detail. I do most of my Lighter Side research while drinking tea in the morning but he topped me by bringing it to bed with him as reading material.

This is when we discovered Who Put The D**k on the Snowman on page 7.

See, the snowman is angry because someone used a thimble to represent his penis. What strikes me as odd about this, just one of the things, really, is that he’s upset because his fake penis is represented by something small. He doesn’t have a penis but, if he did, it would surely be large. So he could satisfy… his… many snow lovers?

I never knew how macho a snowman could be. And I never wanted to give this much thought to snowman dicks.

The ad says this thing plays “Rodney Carrington’s original song ‘Who Put The Dick On the Snowman.'” (No need for asterisks there, for some reason). I’m assuming that The Lighter Side Co’s usual clientele are nodding their heads while saying, “Yes! I love me some Rodney!” but I was perplexed. Even the helpful “He’s the guy who wrote ‘Titties and Beer,” didn’t ring any bells for me. [I do, however, see the theme in Rodney’s music.]

If you’re clueless like me, here’s Rodney in action. PLEASE WATCH THIS:

And now:

So, Rodney is Ray Stevens for a new generation?

If you live in a liberal bubble like I do in South Minneapolis, watching these videos may be helpful when trying to understand why Obama might not be re-elected.

Estate Sale Indiscretion

Although I’m a big lover of estate sales, this is the best example I’ve seen of Estate Sale Gone Wrong:

A box of Stayfree Maxi Pads found at an estate sale.

Before I saw this box of 1960s feminine napkins (No pins! No belts!) in a basement on Friday, the most baffling personal hygiene item I’d seen for sale at an estate sale was an opened box of Depends pads. But those seem downright logical compared to this box of pads in the cellar.

I’ve talked to a few people about this find and they all claim there are people out there who collect old product boxes. Hmm… I guess people do collect old food containers, tins and boxes. But I have yet to hear of anyone who collects old feminine napkin and tampon boxes.

It’s a collection that would be odd to see in someone’s house. Perhaps on display in glass cabinets or lined up on shelves with track lights trained on them? Imagine going over to a friend’s house for dinner and, before they serve up the lasagne, they want to show you their collection, a Walk Down Menses Lane.

See this here? This is a handsewn pad from the 1860s. That’s Civil War time! They used to take them down to the river in metal buckets and beat them on the rocks to get them clean. Had to keep a lid on the bucket so bears wouldn’t get wind of them… Then we move forward in time to these pads from the 1930s that actually had belts to  keep them in place. No adhesives yet, that’s why. We can thank World War II for that. And then here’s my latest addition, found this at an estate sale this past weekend. The first pads with no pins or belts required. I only paid 50 cents for this, can you believe it?

Naturally, the box of pads raised many questions in my mind. Here are but a few:

1. If you are going to sell the box because it’s an old box someone might collect, could you or should you throw away the pads inside? When I moved the box over into a patch of sunlight to get a better photo of it, a pad went flying out. By the way, they didn’t scrimp on the layers of padding back then. It was a cotton brick. [Yes, the box says they are flushable but only if you never want to flush your toilet again.)

2. If something is only going to garner you 50 cents, and it’s that strange, should you just toss it out?

3. Is this a failure on the part of the estate sale company to protect the image of the woman who had recently moved out? There were neighbors of hers in the house, looking at her stuff. She had recently moved to a nursing home, so it’s not as if she’s on vacation and will be back any day – the likelihood of her seeing these people again is slim. But somehow it seems as if the sale clerks were allowing a little secret of hers to be let out that could easily have been obscured by tossing the box in the garbage.  Why she held on to it in the first place is anyone’s guess but it’s not fair to leave it there for the neighbors to see, possibly sealing her legacy as the The Sanitary Napkin Hoarder.

4. Would anyone buy this who was not a collector but because it’s utilitarian? For example, a female friend could be over to watch a movie and say, “Oh, shoot, I just got my period and I don’t have a tampon along. Could you…?” And you could say, “I bought a box of extras just for this very scenario,” and hand her the cotton brick to place between her legs? [I seriously hadn’t seen pads this big since a trip to Italy two years ago and over there I just figured that it had something to do with Catholicism.]

In answer to my own question #4, the answer would probably be, “Yes.” I’ve seen people carting out other products from estate sales. A top seller is laundry detergent. I don’t know if it’s considered a pricey item at the grocery store but there are many old women only too happy to swoop into an estate sale and buy open containers of detergent. Same holds true for wood polish. This doesn’t necessarily strike me as wrong (someone should use it up, I guess), but if we draw conclusions from this fact, I’d say there might be some takers for the pads.

By the way, for what it’s worth, I did wait for everyone else down in the basement with me to leave before I took the photo. I figured that maybe the only thing more strange than being the person who buys the box of old pads is the person who just takes a photo of them. I had to wait quite a while for a couple to decide they were not going to purchase the hand ringer washer (!) and leave the basement. More proof, I guess, that you can sell just about anything.


You & J. Crew: So Merry, So Bright

A drawing of a mona glitter pump from j crewYou got the  J. Crew holiday catalog in the mail yesterday and the cover says “Happy Holidays From The Italian Alps.” How did they know that’s where you’re headed this holiday season? But between now and then you have a lot of holiday-ing to do.

Luckily, you can do it all in J. Crew.

You bundle up in your HEARTHSTONE SNOOD ($49.50) to walk to a cozy cafe to sip cocoa and write gift ideas for  family and friends in your ARCHIE GRAND FOR J.CREW NOTEBOOK ($10). Your cello teacher is getting a MAGIC WALLET in leopard print ($22.50) and your third cousin is getting the CASHMERE-LINED LEATHER GLOVES ($98) but everyone else has you vexed!

There’s no time to dawdle if you’re going to meet your model/graphic designer/drummer/environmentalist fiancé to pick out a Christmas tree at the organic tree farm. He’s wearing his RED WING FOR J. CREW BECKMAN MOC-TOE BOOTS ($320) in order to saw down the tree. You take a picture for Facebook. You know you look cute tossing snow at his head while wearing your TOGGLE COAT IN WOOL-CASHMERE WITH THINSULATE ($325).

When it comes time to decorate the tree and hang the wreath, you change into your NO. 2 PENCIL SKIRT IN MIDNIGHT TWEED ($138) and slide across your shiny wood floors with strings of cranberries and popcorn in your CORGI CASHMERE SOCKS ($88).

Oh, yA woman with messy ponytail wearing j. crewou have to work at the art gallery on Tuesday! You forgot  – you thought you took the entire month of December off. Oh, well. You just have to sit at the desk and pretend to read Ulysses. You do it in your HANDKNIT FAIR ISLE SWEATER ($225) over your JULES DRESS in Fresh Strawberry ($198). Chinese food for lunch, sign for one package, send a fax and you’re done for the day!

Your fiance’s old roommate is protesting down at Occupy! You agree to go visit and share some falafel and pumpkin seed bread while sitting on the curb. You wear your FAIR ISLE SWEATER-LEGGINGS ($98) and PUFFERS coat ($188) to try to blend in at the drum circle. To show the old roomie you’re not the unimaginative bitch he thinks you are, you bring him a gift – who wouldn’t want a pair of DANCING SANTA BOXERS ($18.50)?

Time for caroling! You go with the MAJESTY PEACOAT in Dark Bone ($258), PIXIE PANTS ($88) and your MACALISTER WEDGE BOOTS ($198). You get drunk while waiting for everyone else to be ready to go, then have to pee the entire time. You beg people to let you use their bathrooms and rifle through their medicine cabinets.

Holiday Open House at your boss’s loft! You spend hours preparing a a messy ponytail and wear your dark-rimmed A j crew satchel that says do not touchglasses and TALIA TOP IN WILDCAT ($118) with CAFE CAPRIS IN WOOL. Keep an eye on your BROMPTON SATCHEL in Henna ($278), that’s where you keep the cache of drugs you stole while caroling.

You forgot to buy a bauble for Betsy, that annoying, sort-of-friend who happens to have a great summer cabin you love going to every August. You buy her an  ARGYLE, HAND-ENAMELED BANGLE ($28) and a pair of socks from THE GAP.

Your fiancé wants to make a snowman. You watch the action from the safety of the front porch while wearing your GLIMMER LONG SLEEVE TEE ($88), MINNIE PANTS IN BI-STRETCHED WOOL and SPERRY TOP-SIDER SHORT SHEARWATER BOOTS ($138), which are so ugly you want to return them but you already stepped in dog shit so that’s that.

For the cookie exchange with gal pals you’re wearing your WYNTER V-NECK SWEATER in Roasted Cider ($69.50), STRETCH VINTAGE BOOTCUT CORDS ($79.50) and BIELLA METALLIC PENNY LOAFERS ($248) but you’re not eating any cookies – you’re biting into them and slipping the bites into napkins when no one is looking and throwing them away. You can’t believe how much the other ladies are eating. It’s depressing.

Holiday movie time! You put on your SILK CELESTIAL PAJAMA SHIRT IN STARSTRUCK ($118) and SILK CELESTIAL PAJAMA PANT IN STARSTRUCK ($108) and make a big production of making popcorn and queuing up It’s a Wonderful Life but then spend the entire time texting and tweeting.

A furry hunting hat from j crew.Big, awesome party filled with hip people. You go quirky-maximus by wearing your TOSCANA SHEARLING TRAPPER HAT ($198) paired with your JULES DRESS IN SEQUIN STRIPE ($495) to show that you don’t care that your fiancé’s ex-fiancé, Bronwyn,  is there. You really don’t care. See? You’re wearing a  hunting hat with a sequined dress! Someone hands you a PBR and you drink it down in one long, continuous gulp.

Quick pre-holiday Job interview for a junior associate assistant position at a PR firm! You think they will take you seriously if you wear your TISSUE TURTLENECK TEE ($29.50), monogrammed ITALIAN CASHMERE V-NECK ($168) and SILK STINGER SKIRT in Grey Slate ($235). Oh, but they don’t.

Holiday shopping at J. Crew in your CASHMERE BOYFRIEND CARDIGAN in Heather Spearmint ($198), NIGHTSHIRT IN SILK FOULARD ($178) and CLASSIC MINI IN FELTED WOOL in Stone ($98). You can’t figure out why the other customers keep asking you if they can get a fitting room.Drawing of skinny jeans from j crew

You are so exhausted. It’s time to go to Italy. You wear your HIGH-WAISTED SKINNY JEANS in Night Owl Wash ($125), ITALIAN BALLETS in Lula Snakeskin ($198) and DREAM DOLMAN SWEATER in Heather Cloud ($98) on the plane and watch Just Go With It starring Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler. You think it’s a good movie.

As soon as you get back from the holidays you’re going to buy your J. Crew ESCALIER GOWN COLLECTION WEDDING GOWN ($2,400).

I Had To Look Away

This morning while doing my usual eat-oatmeal-drink-tea in front of the Today Show, I witnessed Alexis Stewart’s interview (along with her ex-collaborator, partner, friend, co-writer Jennifer Koppelman-Hutt) about her new book Whateverland, which is supposed to be about… advice? Funny stories? And a bit about Alexis Stewart’s mom, Martha? The interview got so tense I had to look away a couple of times and didn’t even catch exactly what the point of the book is.

What was odd as well was that Savannah Guthrie, someone I pegged as a lanky Pollyanna, really dug in and stayed with the embarrassing questions as if she were a lawyer for the prosecution.

If you’ve never seen anyone radiate anger/hatred/disgust, then watch Alexis in action in the video below. This is the entire first segment, including the intro, plus the segment the following hour when Alexis and Jennifer were supposed to answer viewer e-mail questions. Apparently, Alexis and her co-writer Hutt are no longer friends/partners/ collaborators and are not on speaking terms because that’s the way Alexis wanted it. They talked about it as if it were a divorce, Stewart saying that one day you look at your spouse and just say, “Oh, not anymore.”

Which begs the question of why both women agreed to come on and do the segment. Shouldn’t one of them have played sick? They acted as if they were incredibly evolved but I noticed that they could hardly look at one another.

Most baffling, to me, is that at every turn Alexis refutes everything she says in the book about her mom, claiming it’s all one big joke. But this is a woman who looks like she’s never laughed in her entire life. She did look a tiny bit sad (and dare I say sincere?) when she admitted that there were no “prepared foods” in her house – nothing to eat but the raw ingredients to, like, make stuff because her mom was busy. No prepared food in Martha’s house!

It reminds me of that riddle about the ocean that goes “Water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink.”

“Arugula, pecorino, peppercorns and vinaigrette everywhere but not a gourmet salad to eat!”

I’m not sure if appearances like this will help the book or not. While the break-up of the friendship could draw some people in, if they saw this interview they probably would not want their money to benefit Alexis (in the form of buying her book.) She’s just going to go out and spend it on leather leggings.

What I did enjoy was that Ben Stiller was sitting in the studio waiting to be interviewed about his new movie while this was going on and, when they cut to him following the interview, he looked as annoyed and confused as everyone else. At the end of his interview he said, “And I’d like to mention that my father dripped hot Chanukah candle wax on me as a child.”

Happy Hearts & Flowers Day

Snoopy Valentine Blog

This Valentine’s Day, make sure you convey just the right message by selecting the correct color for roses:

RED = Hope you don’t have your period tonight. Alternately, you need all the  COURAGE you can muster to be with me

YELLOW = I am JEALOUS of you.  Alternately, “You are a coward.”

LIGHT PINK = I’m sorry your life sucks so much.

DEEP PINK= I feel frisky. Alternately, do you want to get some Thai food?

LILAC = I saw you at the mall and I want to bone you.

WHITE = Think twice about joining that nunnery. Alternately, when I think about you, I think about a shotgun wedding.

PEACH =  Do you love the 1980s as much as I do? Alternately, watch the amount of salt in your diet.

CORAL = You are a miserable DRUNK but I can’t stop loving you.

ORANGE = Let’s make lots of money. AKA “The Pet Shop Boys” rose.

And remember, it’s not just the color you send, it’s also the number:

1 Rose =  I am cheap and the lady just came around the bar selling roses.

2 Roses = I will never let you talk to anyone but me.

3 Roses = I have a secret love child.

6 Roses = I do everything half-assed

7  Roses = I’m going to stalk you.

9 Roses = I believe in elves, fairies and wood sprites.

10 Roses = I’m in love with Bo Derek.

11 Roses = One fell out and I stepped on it.

12 Roses = I’m normal

13 Roses = I believe in a baker’s dozen

21 Roses = Let’s do shots all night.

50 Roses = I have to tell you something and you’d better sit down.

99 Roses = 99 problems

100 Roses = I am a deposed dictator.

999 Roses = I built us a pyramid to live in.

Check My Profile: Social Media Madness

Now that we’ve all been in the social media game for awhile, it’s becoming evident that there are some “Dont’s” involved. Lately, some Facebook and Twitter profile photos have been standing out as some serious Dont’s for me so I decided to catalog them:

1. The Shadow Face

face in shadow

Perfectly fine if your name is Shadow Face and you are an enemy of Batman’s. Otherwise, no.

2. Look Into My Eyes

eyes close up

Seems like you have something to hide. Either you gained a lot of weight since high school or you were disfigured in a helicopter crash.

Continue reading Check My Profile: Social Media Madness

Are U Gettin’ It? Yes, I’m Snow-maggedon It!

This weekend was all about life disruption in the form of over a foot of snow. Some say a foot-and-a-half. I don’t know because I stopped listening.

As my car crawled along the highway this morning (not really slippery on the highway right now but, you know, everyone must act as if it is) on my way to work, I wondered, “Is it really such a noble thing to suffer these terrible winters and then talk about surviving them as if it’s a badge of honor?” I’m not so sure anymore. I never really considered moving to a warmer climate until these past two years when I’ve started to seriously wonder what the hell I’m doing? What is the pay-off? I mean, let’s be honest, it blows here in the winter.

It blows because for every storm there are all the stages. First, the build-up. People get squirrely and glassy-eyed and go about gathering up provisions and they just want to talk, nonstop, about the forecast. “Could it be true that we’re going to get two feet of snow? What should we do? Why are we at work? This is going to be crazy!

Continue reading Are U Gettin’ It? Yes, I’m Snow-maggedon It!


3114890290_d42cfc35ae_mWhen I was awakened at 3 in the morning to let the dog out, because she was whiiii-iii-ning to go to the bathroom, it suddenly seemed very important, as I was standing at the back window watching Freja run around the yard trying to find an acceptable place to do her business, that I catalog the ways in which cats are fundamentally Republicans and dogs are fundamentally Democrats.

The photo you’re seeing here captures a rare moment of bipartisanship not often seen in our household.

First, cats are very conservative. They don’t embrace change. They don’t like a new plant being added to the living room, a sudden change of food (unless it’s stinky, wet food) or a litter made from some unfamiliar material. Things should stay relatively the same all the time.

They don’t believe in welfare because they believe in the old adage, “that government is best which governs least.” It’s paws off; every cat for themselves. They also hate immigrants. I’m not saying that all Republicans hate immigrants but cat republicans are the kind of Republicans who hate immigrants. This is because they are, of course, highly territorial. If a new cat comes into their territory, the cat’s first thought is, “Shit, there won’t be enough for me. Not enough grass to eat, mice and birds to kill, garbage to pick through. KILL!”

Continue reading Politi-Pets

Who Will Be Minnesota’s Next Top Governor?

I’m taking a brief break from Halloween to focus on the other Big Thing happening in our lives right now – the “race” for Governor of Minnesota. Not really much of a race. More like a leisurely stroll. This morning I listened to the latest campaign event – Minnesota Public Radio’s staging of a “job interview” for the three candidates. “Pretend you are interviewing to be CEO of Minnesota,” was the recommendation for the contenders before the questions started. How did they do? Poorly. If you’ve ever really flubbed a job interview, don’t feel bad about it – even highly coached politicians with people on staff to tell them what to say suck at it.

Continue reading Who Will Be Minnesota’s Next Top Governor?

Special “S” Challenge*

Are you familiar with the “Special K Challenge,” brought to us by Special K cereal? Maybe you’ve seen the TV commercials in which a pretty normal looking woman starts eating cereal all the time and then turns into what might best be described as a “lady of the night?” Meaning, she goes from wearing jeans and a blouse to a red dress and garish make-up while twirling around her kitchen waiting for her 9 p.m. “appointment” to show up.

I’ve been aware of the “Challenge” for awhile. It’s one of those things that flies by me in my media-soaked days – Christine O’Donnell is a witch, The Social Network was number one at the box office, Special K Challenge.

But then I saw a magazine ad that actually laid out what one is supposed to do on the Challenge.

The first page says, “Jeans don’t lie. The best way to tell how great you look is in your jeans. Drop a jean size in 2 weeks. Take the Special K Challenge.”

Continue reading Special “S” Challenge*

So Many Q’s, Few A’s

The back cover of City Pages is filled with disconcerting questions… I guess this is the latest technique used to get people to read your classified ad. Ask a probing question!

Are YOU looking for Meaningful Work? (is “Meaningful Work” capitalized because it’s an official category of work or a profession or what?)

Drinking Problem?

Need Cash?

Have a 10-17 yr old child?

Do you fear and avoid social situations?

No Where to go? Know Where to Go!

Need a Lawyer?

Are you a SNUFF user who is interested in volunteering in a research study? (I assume we’re talking the tobacco product here and not the porn product)

Tuesday Morning Drive

I enjoy you. I’ve enjoyed our time together.

I’ve enjoyed staring at the back of your low-riding Buick in traffic, your license plate telling the world you’re physically disabled… or is it mentally disabled? Because you are only going 40 miles per hour. And your children are bouncing around in the back seat, throwing things. And you have your hand up in the air, fingers open, as if to catch something, fingers grasping air… but you wait for several minutes before finally one of your children tosses something at you. A puppet? A stuffed raccoon?

You take it and throw it on the seat next to you. That’s that, I think. Now we can get to the business of driving.

But no.

Because now it’s time to merge onto I-94 while you comb your long, 1970s locks with a brush. I suppose it does make your hair look better. Silky instead of a snarled mess.

Brushing, brushing… swerving. Swerving… you merge. I have to merge behind you. I want so badly to get away from you. No offense. I understand. Two kids, a broken down Buick, those disabilities to contend with. I get ready to make my move to the next lane to the left and then… your enormous, laborious red signal light comes on. You want to get over too! In front of me. Maybe you want our little caravan to go on just a little while longer. You feel safe with me behind you.

But no. I step on the gas. Sorry, you’re not getting in front of me again. I look over as I pass by your car. You are so short. Your glasses are so enormous. Like big magnifying glasses strapped to your face.

How do you ever get anywhere?

The Learning Lunch

The scene: a table at a networking/”learning” lunch for marketing/pr/communicator types

The menu: dried-looking chicken breast on top of a salad, rolls with tiny balls of butter by their sides, cookies

Gregarious Woman With Crazy Eyes: Hi! Hi everyone! What’s your name? Where do you work? Let me give you my card.

Hands cards all around from a stack of 100.

Continue reading The Learning Lunch

Pick Your Poison

Here are three things I have a very difficult time with:

1. Band-Aids floating in swimming pools. Maybe the little white pad is smeared with just the faintest hint of blood; maybe its been bleached out entirely by the pool chemicals. No matter, it still ruins a good time. Here’s the thing: Band-Aids in pools are a social equalizer, like taxes and death. I’ve seen them floating in city park pools, at water slide pools, in the pools of very nice resorts, even a few times in the ocean. Band-Aids are in all bodies of water in which one can swim. If you see one, it’s best not to dwell on where it may have come from, which body part it covered. All the Band-Aids I see I pretend came off a nasty paper cut. All the Band-Aids that float by me were simply being used to hide a bruise. They were NOT covering up a weeping, infected facial wound. They were not being used to cover a recently-lanced boil. Nope. Definitely not.

Continue reading Pick Your Poison

Why? Why not!


Celebrate Friday with some heart-healthy braunschweiger! Not familiar with this treat? Its pork liver sausage and it’s spreadable. Eat it on Ritz crackers or on white bread with mayo and – presto – you’re from Wisconsin. Eat it on a Kaiser roll with onions, mayo, mustard and some cheese and you’re practically German.

*Not recommended for anyone who is watching their salt intake. Or for anyone who cares about what they eat.

** Not recommended for vegetarians.

Conduct For Prisoners… Oh… I Mean Teachers

Rules of Conduct For Teachers (from a 1915 school bulletin for a one-room school house near Winneconne, WI)

1. You will not marry during the term of your contract.

2. You are not to keep company with men. (This is closely tied to number 1 – don’t think you’re going to “keep company” just because you can’t marry! Here, see this burka? Put it on.)

3. You must be home between the hours of 8 p.m. and 6 a.m. unless attending a school function (Who checked? “OK, ma, I’m goin’ to bed just as soon as I drive by the school marm’s house and make sure she’s in bed. Just gonna peek in that there window.”)

4. You may not loiter downtown in ice cream stores. (Taverns? Yeah, OK, it is Wisconsin, but if we catch you lingering after finishing your cone… your ass is ours.)

5. You may not travel beyond the city limits unless you have the permission of the chairman of the board. (Dear Chairman of the Board: I was thinking of picking apples on Sunday outside the city limits… is this OK?)

6. You may not ride in a carriage or automobile with any man unless he is your father or brother. (Don’t EVER let us catch you with an uncle, cousin or your grandpa. We know all about your grandpa.)

7. You may not smoke cigarettes. (Pipes, OK, everyone enjoys a good pipe by the fire now and then.)

8. You may not dress in bright colors. (Think Calvin Klein, not Chico’s)

9. You must under no circumstances dye your hair. (Hair dye is for the wicked!)

10. You must wear at least 2 petticoats. (Who checked? “Hey, Phyllis, you’re looking a little deflated today… are you only wearing one petticoat?”)

11. Your dresses must not be shorter than two inches above your ankles. (“We’re just getting comfortable with all this ankle skin, we’re not ready for more!”)

12. To keep the schoolroom neat and clean you must: sweep the floor at least once daily; scrub the floor at least once a week with hot, soapy water; clean the blackboards at least once a day; and start the fire at 7 a.m. so the room will be warm by 8 a.m. (Pass out from exhaustion at 10:30 a.m.)

Things I Can’t Explain

If our dog, Freja, can’t make it all day without, uh, pooping (due to upset stomach) in the house she always poops in the bathroom right next to the toilet. So… I guess she understands what goes on in there? And I guess she’s doing her best to be considerate?

An older gentleman called our office and said, “Hi, I’m putting together a movie idea for Robert DeNiro. I don’t know him but I know he’s friends with that Scorsese guy but I don’t know that guy’s first name or how you spell his last name.” “Uh, that would be Martin S-c-o-r-s-e-s-e.” “Right! Thanks so much!”

A college-aged student sent a form letter to our office asking us to pay his way through college. For an extra bit of class, he hand-wrote the salutation because a mail merge proved to be too much for him to master. In the letter he did promise to keep us updated through the years with what he was up to.

Continue reading Things I Can’t Explain

The Bad Seed

bad_seedWhen my parents came for the yard sale last week, they had a van-load of stuff my sister and I had been storing at their house for years. And years. I believe they were overjoyed to be getting rid of it. We had a fairly successful sale, although we didn’t move as many toys as we would have liked. Now I’m left with some odds and ends that I’ve been trying to deal with. One box is just papers and letters and such from grade school onward. I haven’t seen the stuff in this box for 20 years so I’m going to assume I don’t need most of it.

My plan is to take all the old papers, letters, etc. and make a paper-based diorama out of them of a ship at sea battling a Kraken. I thought that might look cool. So there is my winter project;  what I’ll be doing on all those snowy nights come January.

This morning I was down in the basement to feed Chief Jones (he has to eat down there so that Mistress Freja doesn’t gobble down all his food) and there was the box, waiting to be sorted. I plucked a coloring book off the top of the pile. It’s a book called “Write Your Own Story Coloring Book.” Kind of literal in the titling. Inside, each spread is a picture to color and then the other side is titled and has lines for writing a short story about the pic. The characters are the same on every page – Penny, Mark and a clown named Koko.

Continue reading The Bad Seed

I Had No Idea It Worked This Way

This should probably go on one of those “Overheard in Mpls” sites.

Yesterday, as my co-worker Andrea was walking out of the building, a bunch of gals from a marketing firm down the hall were leaving at the same time. One of them said to the others:

“You know, the only reason Crystal is celibate is because she’s afraid someone is going to steal her creativity through her vagina.”

Who Are The People In Your Neighborhood?

Or, perhaps more appropriately, who lives on your messed up, dysfunctional block?

I really thought things would get better on my block after Mini-Van Carnie Con Carne Carnival moved away, seemingly in the middle of the night. They lived in the house directly across from us but in two years we had been unable to determine exactly who lived there, such were the comings and goings. Sometimes there were four children, sometimes eight. Adults and kids in mini-vans pulled up and loaded or unloaded at all hours of the day. The absolute low point came two summers ago, when some carnie friends who had been to visit before showed up in their white school bus, which proceeded to die on our block. So the carnies moved in! Hooray and fun for all!

Continue reading Who Are The People In Your Neighborhood?

Eat Pray Shop

eat_pray_love 1While shopping online for an ottoman for my front porch, Google suggested I look at World Market. So I headed over to their website and was hit with this message:

World Market’s Eat Pray Love Shop Has Arrived!

There are Italy/India/Indonesia-themed bamboo shades. There is a Roman Bistro set. The Eat Pray Love Block Print Paisley Tunic is modeled by a woman who could be… if you squint… Elizabeth Gilbert.

If you don’t know what Eat Pray Love is -  if you’ve been living on a remote island, meditating, or maybe if you’re a man – it’s a memoir written by Elizabeth Gilbert. For reasons unknown, probably even to the author herself, this book became the Harry Potter for women in a certain age demographic. Maybe those in their late 20s through 40s. The book describes the journey Gilbert made from Italy to India to Indonesia after a rough divorce. Yes, she was trying to “find herself.” And she succeeded. And she found the man of her dreams in the process. It’s a completely romantic book. It’s very cool that it happened to her but for the rest of us it probably serves the purpose of escapist fantasy.

Continue reading Eat Pray Shop

Laff Riot

I went on vacation and I forgot to post this before I “left”:

Not Shallow Will Be Back Soon

Which is too bad because I think that would have been inspiring to a lot of people out there. But now vacation is over and it’s more like:

Har, har, har!
Har, har, har!

Working From The Margins

pile of booksLike many others in Minneapolis, I adore the public library. I have built a queue of books on my “Request” list that rivals that of my Netflix queue. Whenever I hear about a new book I want to read, I search for it on the library’s online catalog, accepting in advance that I will most likely have to add it to my list of requests.

I patiently wait. “Oh, look,” I might think. “I’m now number 128 on the list for that novel. I remember when I was 234. Progress!”

The result of all this requesting is that books tend to come in every week. Sometimes it is one per week, sometimes six will somehow show up, like a book landslide. “Watch for books falling from your queue list.”

As a result of all this reserving, queuing and holding, I’m somewhat of a regular at my neighborhood branch. Granted, I don’t hang out there reading People Magazine or the newspapers. I don’t secret myself away in one of the window nooks to do “research” while hacking into a handkerchief. I don’t sit on the computers on a beautiful summer afternoon searching Google for images of Jennifer Lopez or the cast of Jersey Shore.

Continue reading Working From The Margins

I Have Choosen You

Dear Beloved [Person I Have Never Met Before],

I am sure this mail would be coming to you as a surprise since we have never met before and you would also be asking why I have decided to chose you amongst the numerous internet users in the world [all of whom I have also sent this message], precisely I cannot say why I have choosen you [I choosen anyone who is stupid enough to fall for this] but do not be worried for I come in peace [yes, I am an alien] and want you to me to help me accomplish my last wish . As the island of Haiti experience a major earthquake struck, I will like to use this last chance to help as a philanthropist .

Before I move further, permit me to give you a little of my biography, I am Lady Rita Ratnavale [you can call me Lady Marmalade] 78 Years old woman and the wife of Sir Ratnavale, Victor, [you can call him Dead Guy] dual citizen of Switzerland and Britain [and Citizen of The World]  who died in a Plane crash on Monday the 7th of September 1998 GMT 14:22 UK [my watch stopped at exactly that moment] alongside with my daughter [she had no name, we never got around to it] while they were flying from New York to Geneva [after completing a shopping spree at FAO Schwartz]. Please see site [that I developed while sitting in an Internet cafe] below for more information.
Continue reading I Have Choosen You

I’m A Drummer! Reliving Hysteria Part II

logo_def_leppardIn today’s episode, the drama is already ramping up with the usual “Rise of the Supergroup” problems.

First, I’d like to mention something. I really do love Def Leppard. I mean that un-ironically. I know since I’m a member of Generation X, that might be hard to believe but I listened to them a lot in high school and I used to try to draw the Hysteria cover art. I guess that makes me kind of like Joe Elliot, drawing his Def Leppard logo and artwork before he was even in the band, huh?

Continue reading I’m A Drummer! Reliving Hysteria Part II

I’m A Drummer! Reliving Hysteria

logo_def_leppardOne of the best TV movies Keith and I ever watched aired in 2001 on VH1 – Hysteria: The Def Leppard Story. Oh the ups and the downs! The tragedy and the triumphs! It turns out that you can rent the movie through Netflix but, maybe even better, you can watch it for free on YouTube in several installments.

This makes Hysteria seem like a fun webseries of 10-minutes episodes, which is maybe all you can take at one time. The story revolves around drummer Rick Allen’s accident, in 1984, that cost him his arm. Of course, Rick Allen and Def went on to triumph after that, which is what made this movie possible. If it had been Rick Allen lost his arm and became an angry, bitter man on top of Steve Clark dying of alcoholism, this movie couldn’t have been made. Well, it could have been made, maybe by Oliver Stone.

Continue reading I’m A Drummer! Reliving Hysteria

Ice Ice Baby Too Cold Too Cold

brosicingbros smallMaybe some of you have already heard of the “social media trend/drinking game” known as Bros Icing Bros. I just heard about it this past weekend.

But before I really had a chance to explore this situation, the Bros Icing Bros website went down and doesn’t appear to be coming back anytime soon. The message on the site says, “We had a good run, Bros.”


Here’s what Bros Icing Bros entails (it should come as no surprise that this started out as a frat boy game): surprise one of your bros by giving him (or hiding someplace he will find) a Smirnoff Ice malt beverage. He then has to go down on one knee and drink it… I’m sorry, chug it all at once unless he happens to have a Smirnoff Ice on his person. Then the joke is on you – you have to take a knee and chug both of them. The reason this game works at all is that it’s somewhat of a punishment to have to chug all that terrible Smirnoff Ice.

A Bro can’t refuse an Ice. If a Bro refuses to drink an Ice he is immediately shunned. He can never Ice anyone, ever.

Continue reading Ice Ice Baby Too Cold Too Cold

An Epic Hair Wash of Heroic Proportions

spector small

I tried a new salon recently. Only because my current stylist is on maternity leave. I could have gone to another stylist at the same salon but I saw this as an opportunity to check out a salon in my neighborhood known for its expertise in cutting curly hair. I was cut-curious.

Curly hair is its own cult. You’ll know if you’re in the cult if you can relate to these statements:

1. Everyone tells you how lucky you are to have curly hair. “It’s so pretty!” Yet you often feel, deep down inside, as if you look like Phil Spector.

2. You either hate your hair, have a love/hate relationship with it or have decided to ignore it completely. “Curly hair? What curly hair? Oh, you mean that stuff on the top of my head?”

3. When you were in junior high and high school, you would have committed felonies if, in exchange, you could have had a silky, smooth ponytail that fell nicely down your back.

4. You either have no idea what it’s like to have short hair or, if you do know, it’s a traumatic event from your past marked by an arsenal of hair products, maintenance cuts and a growing-out phase during which you found yourself relying too heavily on headbands and staying in to watch movies.

Continue reading An Epic Hair Wash of Heroic Proportions

Europe Is For Douchebags

You could go to see this tonight in Minneapolis:

Secret The Burning Man Festival started with a group of 20 friends who burned a wooden figure on a beach in honor of the summer solstice. Now some 20+ years later, the Burning Man Festival annually draws over 43,000 free thinkers, radicals, hippies, artists, and general revelers to a big patch of desert in Northern Nevada. The iconic festival’s history and philosophy have been cleverly wrapped up in this documentary, which not only tells the tale of how Burning Man evolved from a handful of hippies to a multi-million dollar movement, but it also examines how the ideals we form in our youth translate to life’s bigger picture. The film screens at 7pm and tickets are $15-$20 at the door. Tickets will likely sell out so arrive early. For more info visit

7:00 PM Thursday at Oak Street Cinema in Minneapolis

Or, you could just watch this from the comfort of your home. Same difference?

Exiled From The Land of Slumber

sad clown pille“It’s been a while since there’s been a show for the people who are actually watching TV most of the time, which is everybody between New York and LA,” said Patricia Heaton, who grew up in Ohio.

You make the clown cry, Patricia Heaton. Just because you grew up in Ohio but escaped you decree that everyone who lives in this country, except for in two coastal cities, are TV zombies? Guess what? I have no idea what TV show you’re on right now. Don’t watch it. Don’t care. I would hazard a guess though that’s it’s a sitcom in which you are married to 1) a fat guy or 2) a lovable moron. So exactly who is wasting their life????

That’s as much venom as I can muster today after waking up too early this morning in order to think about stupid shit. Why does this happen? Wide awake at 4:45… Here are the the items that seemed very important at that hour of the day.

Continue reading Exiled From The Land of Slumber

The Care & Feeding of Stephen Baldwin

creepy stephen baldwinLast week I was wondering what my old friend Stephen Baldwin has been up to lately. I just don’t see him as much since he experienced his Second Birth. So it was synchronicity when my other friend who is not Stephen Baldwin shared The Restoration of Stephen Baldwin with me.

What is this? you might ask. Some kind of elaborate ruse? A joke? A prank?

Not at all. The truth, which Stephen is not shy about admitting, is that he needs money. And since he’s a man of Faith, Christians the world over should chip in to Restore Him To His Former Glory. And by Glory he means financial status, i.e. please restore him to the lifestyle to which he grew accustomed to as a Baldwin in the 1990s.

Continue reading The Care & Feeding of Stephen Baldwin

Going Off To That Big Canadian Pavilion In The Sky

corey-haimI know that you’ve been losing sleep over what’s happening with the film American Sunset, so I thought I’d tell you about this press release announcing that it’s going to showcase at Cannes.

Wait. What? You’ve never heard of American Sunset?

Seriously? Corey Haim’s final attempt to act?

Yes, I’m talking about Corey Haim and Cannes at the same time. But back to that in a minute.

Continue reading Going Off To That Big Canadian Pavilion In The Sky

It’s Raining Well-Rounded Men

wrestlingSo there’s an interesting contest going on in Minneapolis right now called One Man Minneapolis. Basically, if I’ve got it down right, they are going to crown one man from Minneapolis/St. Paul “The One.” The one man who best represents “COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT, PERSONALITY, INTELLIGENCE, AND FITNESS.” [Shouting text not the author’s own.]

But like any beauty pageant for women, isn’t this stuff entirely subjective? Intelligence? Are we having them take tests? Submit SAT scores or IQ tests? Personality? Fitness… I guess this is a nicer way of saying “hotness?”

Continue reading It’s Raining Well-Rounded Men

You Blow My Minnnnd

Let’s play a game! Which “Missed Connections” from Craig’s List listed below are FAKE?

girl in keys cafe, you blow my minnnnd
daaaaym, baby u were fine as hell. i think u were sum kinda latinaaaa. baby girl, im jus trynna holla. u had sum sexy ass brown eyes n DANG GURL. i kno ur name wuz sam and i just wanted to taste your caramel. cum on, plz reply if u eva read this. i think i luv u. u smelled so nice. n if ur not interested, that hottie redhead can holla too.

Continue reading You Blow My Minnnnd

The First Page in “WTF: The Book” Comes To Us From Ohio

Yesterday, while driving to work, I was listening to the radio and heard about Lawrence Reynolds Jr., a death row inmate in Ohio who was scheduled to be killed on March 9th but instead took a drug overdose on the 7th and had to be taken to a hospital for resuscitation. Once they were sure that he was back in stable condition, the Ohio state prison system promptly scheduled his death by lethal injection.

Continue reading The First Page in “WTF: The Book” Comes To Us From Ohio

The Hecker Timeline

Hecker Resized For BlogI’ve gotten interested in the trials and tribulations of former Twin Cities auto king Denny Hecker. By sifting through many media sites, I have compiled the following time line detailing the rise and fall of The Heck. This time line is a living thing… new information comes in daily and I’m sure there are also errors or improperly worded points. If you have some major Hecker news or corrections to add, please let me know via comments. I’ll be updating it as new info becomes available. Without further ado…

Laughing In The Face Of Fate:
The Denny Hecker Story

Denny Hecker is born in 1952 and raised in North Minneapolis.

1970: Hecker graduates from Patrick Henry High School in Minneapolis and marries his first wife, Judith Martin, the following fall. They stay married for less than two years. He does a brief stint in college and then drops out to sell cars at a local dealership. Cars, it seems, were his destiny.

1973: Hecker marries Sandra Storm (who may or may not be a comic book heroine). They remain married for ten years and have two daughters.

Continue reading The Hecker Timeline

I Am the Strength Inside My Strength Heart. I STAND TALL!

Annoying Ways In Which Annoying People Use Twitter

1. People who are on Twitter to promote things, probably for pay, who think they are being clever in the way they do it:

“Just flattened my hair with the new Blacksmith Iron by Hair Thing Maker and it’s fabulous. My hair hasn’t looked this good since my senior picture.”

“Made a sandwich and didn’t know what to put it in and then saw my new box of ZIPLOC  Super Zip sandwich bags!”

“I love the indie band SOFT PALETTE and their new album KNOCK YOUR TEETH OUT. Got it at WalMart for $8.99.”

Continue reading I Am the Strength Inside My Strength Heart. I STAND TALL!

Who Is the Devil In Your Neighborhood?

I started reading a new book today. A little light reading called The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout. I saw it a couple weeks ago while browsing at Barnes & Noble and put it on hold at the library. According to the book, 4% of the U.S. population are sociopaths, or 1 out of 25 people. That number seemed alarming until I started to read the book, which points out that this doesn’t mean that 1 out of 25 people are violent or serial killers. There are more ways to qualify as sociopathic. The one common element is a lack of conscience.

Continue reading Who Is the Devil In Your Neighborhood?

Can You Be Everything I’ve Ever Dreamed Of And More?

A few years ago (five, seven?), during a time when I was looking for a job and not having any luck, I came across a classified ad that exemplified everything I didn’t want in a job and I cut it out, almost as a reminder to myself that, no matter how bad things got, I could never allow myself to sink to the level of what this ad was asking someone to be.

Last night I was looking through some old papers and found the clipping again. I’m going to reproduce it here because I know a lot of people are looking for work right now and maybe this clipping will help them clarify in their minds what they will or won’t do or remind them that, yes, things are bad but maybe they’re not so bad.

Continue reading Can You Be Everything I’ve Ever Dreamed Of And More?

Please Stop Talking.

Some phrases and words that bother me a great deal…

Event listing descriptions that begin “Get thee to XXX tonight…” Yeah, I don’t know why this is common enough that I’ve noticed it. Drives me mad. Like, ha ha, I’m funny and Olde English and I’m doing a take-off on the line, “Get thee to a nunnery!” Which might have been effective once but not 234 times. Get thee to the Jagged Edge Bar tonight for the wet t-shirt contest. Get thee to the feminist spoken word slam. I just received an event announcement via email with one of the listings beginning, “Get thee to Uptown this frigid January eve for a hot, hot set by melodic indie supergroup, Communist Daughter.” Get thee to Uptown? Snort. And get thee to Uptown on this frigid night? No fucking way, anyway. I’m not even going to touch “melodic indie supergroup.” OK, yeah I am. Indie or supergroup… which is it? Supergroup makes me think of Boston or Air Supply. Or… Aerosmith. Communist Daughter… not so much.

Continue reading Please Stop Talking.

Hot Time, Get It While It’s Easy

sleazy rag doll 2A few days ago, the song “Rag Doll” by Aerosmith came up in conversation. I don’t remember how, when or what the exact circumstances are. Maybe it was on the radio in the car. In just a few seconds, the complete awfulness of this song washed over me in a way it hadn’t since the song was popular in the late 80s.

Say what you will about the troubles we went through in the Double 00’s, I’m glad we live in an era that’s past the time when Aerosmith puts out music that’s embraced by the masses. They can have all the last hurrahs they want (although what is the official status of Steven Tyler right now?) as long as they don’t put out any more music on the level of “Rag Doll.”

It’s been heavy on my mind. Today, I looked up the lyrics.

Continue reading Hot Time, Get It While It’s Easy

The Villages: Disney World For The Retired?

House The Villages smallFifty-five miles north of Orlando is a “mature adult” alternative to Disney World called The Villages. It’s a retirement community that bills itself as Florida’s “friendliest retirement hometown.” My parents bought a home there in 2007 and spent their first winter there in 2008.

Whenever I try to describe The Villages to people (the travel by golf cart, the homes that all look pretty much alike, the pods of villages with Spanish-sounding names) they have one of two reactions. One is, “Wow, that sounds like a lot of fun,” and the other is, “That sounds weird.”

Continue reading The Villages: Disney World For The Retired?

Happy Holidays From The Snowball Children!

I’m about to take off for our (becoming annual) trip to Florida for Christmas. Hopefully, I will have lots to share about what’s happening down in the The Villages, the retirement community where my parents live. Maybe there will be some touching poems published in the Villages newspaper. Or some action at the adults-only pool. And fun dance parties at Katie Belle’s, a “stunning two-story club located right on Town Square!”

But in the meantime, I’d like to leave you with a holiday greeting from some of my favorite children… The Singing Snowballs!

Continue reading Happy Holidays From The Snowball Children!

Ziggy Zeitgeist

Just one day after my post about Ziggy, this was the Ziggy strip that ran…

pants on ziggy

Actually, I think I will be a little sad if Ziggy has to wear pants all the time now. I’d like to see him rock some jeans once in awhile but I think if he’s just at home, hanging out with his dog, cat and bird, it’s OK for him to have on just a tunic. Or maybe some boxers would be nice.

Let Them Eat Loaf

“This sandwich loaf will be the talk of the party. Lots can be said about the delicious shrimp, olive and ham fillings!”

Loaf is served!
Loaf is served!

The above quote is from the Betty Crocker website, which features this Party Sandwich Loaf. It sounds as if they’re dissing their own retro recipe. Lots can be said? Lots of horrible things, is what they mean. Like, what misanthrope brings something stuffed with deviled ham salad to a party? I imagine someone standing over the buffet table and saying, “Who brought this?” in an accusatory tone.

Continue reading Let Them Eat Loaf

The Bad Boys of Christmas

If jolly Santa Claus doesn’t do it for you, you may need to go Euro when it comes to finding some Christmas sexy.

krampusBachelor Number 1 – Krampus (aka Krotchus)
Age: 545
Occupation: badass
Hobbies: eating grass, terrifying children, hitting people with sticks
Mr. Krampus is often described as “goat-like” in appearance – long face, horns, fur – and has bad breath. His main paying gig takes place on December 5th each year when he roams rural areas (where he still has street cred) with chains and sticks threatening women and children. Krampus targets virgins, too, and makes sure that they get a “birching,” which consists of hitting them on the ass or back with a birch stick as punishment for… still being virgins (see Exhibit A). If the Krampus thinks your kid is a brat, he’ll load him up in a basket and take him to hell (or Spain, depending upon his mood). Most disturbing of all, Wikipedia refers to Krampus as an incubus which, if you don’t know, is a male demon who has sex with women while they sleep. Or sometimes while they are awake – I guess it depends on his mood.
Likes: virgins, birch trees, sex in the morning (noon and night are OK too), eating bad children
Dislikes: warmth, casserole, hot chocolate, puppies

Continue reading The Bad Boys of Christmas

Conspiracy Theory: Was Mommie Dearest a Crock of Shit?

Mommie Dearest CoverConspiracy theories are usually aimed at assassinations, UFOs, religion, Bill Clinton, Richard Gere, etc.  We’ve all heard the JFK assassination theories. We’ve heard about how the U.S. never really landed on the moon – it all took place on a sound stage!

But have you heard the one about Mommie Dearest?

Continue reading Conspiracy Theory: Was Mommie Dearest a Crock of Shit?

How Working Women Can Cope: Make A Hot Dog Fondue

Woman in purple top 1977Somewhere along the line, I acquired a random copy of a Woman’s Day magazine from August 1977. Every so often I take it out and page through it. Although 1977 wasn’t THAT long ago, it’s like paging through a manual for another way of life. What I love most are the products, most of them long gone, the poor design and the absolute innocence of the copy. It was enough to say, “Emeraude. The liquid jewel no one can see, yet no one can ignore.” Would that work now? Probably not. Now we’d have something more along the lines of “Emeraude. The liquid that will get you laid.” Well, something like that.

So, here are some snapshots of Woman’s Day from 1977.  Settle back with a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy… but wait… what’s this?

Continue reading How Working Women Can Cope: Make A Hot Dog Fondue

Levi Johnston: Meet The Ghosts of Playgirls Past

Geraldo Rivera2Blogs and news sources are all a-flutter about Levi Johnston’s plan to appear nude in Playgirl Magazine… My initial reaction is, “He knows mostly gay men read that, right?” I mean, assuming anyone at all is still reading/looking at it (there were announcements in 2008 that Playgirl was going away; now it seems to be readying itself for online-only existence).

Not that there’s anything wrong with this (although there are plenty of other, better sources for gay porn and I can’t imagine any self-respecting gay man reaching for Playgirl first but probably more as a, “Oh, well, wtf, I’ve got some time to kill” moment), but I get the impression that Levi Johnston prides himself on being the “All-American Beefcake Hunter Dude from Alaska” who doesn’t take shit from his baby’s granny. The kind of guy who tells and laughs at jokes about “homos” as a way to assert his heterosexuality. So does he realize he’s going to bare all for a largely gay audience? According to Wikipedia, “In 2003, Mark Graff, President of Trans Digital Media, the brand management firm for Playgirl TV, stated that 50% of Playgirl’s readership are gay males.”

Continue reading Levi Johnston: Meet The Ghosts of Playgirls Past

The Official Preppy Handbook: Failing Upwards

The ability of some people to fail upwards is one of my favorite topics because I’m fairly certain I’ve never pulled it off. This is not to say, “I certainly haven’t failed upwards; I’ve worked hard for everything I’ve got.” It simply means – I find myself working hard but not necessarily realizing the meteoric rise some others do and there is definitely a lack of free stuff being showered upon me. For me, I’m sure this has to to do with personality. There are some people who are born self-promoters and/or bullshitters and I’m not one of them. But enough about me. The Handbook says, “Only those who continually fail to strive and to succeed are rewarded with the respect reserved for the upper crust.”

Continue reading The Official Preppy Handbook: Failing Upwards

The Official Preppy Handbook: A Reading List

preppy handbook smallOne thing to remember as you’re working on your Prep status, is that it’s a lifestyle, not just a fashion trend. It has to be incorporated into every facet of your life, including your reading material. According to the Handbook, some safe bets are books about Prep schools or classics assigned to be read in Prep schools, books about Preppies and books about the joys and miseries of being a Prep.

I’ll tell you what’s not on the list: anything by Dan Brown or Stephanie Meyer. You can forget reading such common fodder (unless you hide it in the bathroom for reading on the throne).

Continue reading The Official Preppy Handbook: A Reading List

The Official Preppy Handbook: Managing Those Dollah Billz

rainbow dollarThis is where things get complicated in the Prep lifestyle. If you’re serious about being a Prep, you’ve got to back up your rep with some serious cash, or at least the illusion of it. How do you create that illusion? Well, hopefully you don’t have to because you’ve got a trust fund. Barring that, you can cultivate an air of richness that you pair it with enough turtlenecks and an easygoing relationship with a credit card. Here are some do’s and don’t gleaned from the Handbook.

Continue reading The Official Preppy Handbook: Managing Those Dollah Billz

The Official Preppy Handbook: Of Ducks and Dogs

Hey, Bunny here! Back with OPH tips for selecting a pet.

But first, let me say that this Preppy duck motif has been weighing heavily on my mind since last night (see last post). My home is really not duck-compliant. So I did some searching on  Craig’s List to find some duck-related items I could purchase to Preppify my environment.

duck printI found a Shoveler Duck Print with the added note of, “Finally an Upscale Duck Print!” Apparently a lot of people are selling down-market duck prints out there. Buyer beware and all that. The print is limited edition, signed and out-of-circulation. It can be mine for only $575. The seller says, “It was more than just another print of a handsome duck, it was a limited edition done by someone with an artistic flair not totally concerned with replicating the Shoveler like a photo, but as concerned with bringing the feeling of the wild with the picture in an artistic manner.

Continue reading The Official Preppy Handbook: Of Ducks and Dogs

The Official Preppy Handbook In A Web 2.0 World

preppy handbook cover2Do you by any chance remember The Official Preppy Handbook? I do. I own a copy. It was published in 1980 (retailed in paperback for $3.95) and was probably ahead of the curve, getting out there before “preppy” officially became part of the lexicon and something of a punchline in the mid-to-late 80s. Essentially, it’s a humorous book, of course, but it also served as a kind of a road map for how to be prep, even if you weren’t born into the lifestyle and felt so inclined. The introduction states that, “Preppies don’t have to be rich, Caucasian, frequenters of Bermuda or ace tennis players.” The book has a certain something in common with today’s Gossip Girl and makes you think a bit more deeply about Gwyneth Paltrow, Izod and Ivy League schools.

It also makes me think about pink and green, a color combo I still associate with Prep, turtlenecks with repeating patterns of tiny whales spouting water or apples, wool blazers and movies like St. Elmo’s Fire. Ah, good times.

Continue reading The Official Preppy Handbook In A Web 2.0 World

Arts + Crafts = Cheap Laffs

If you need a pick-me-up during the day, I suggest taking a look at the “Arts & Crafts” section on Craigslist. It makes one laugh with glee over bad art for sale and weird crafting kits that should perhaps be tossed into the garbage or offered to a neighbor kid instead being advertised for $4. Is it just me (of course it is!) or would it seem very excessive to drive to the suburbs to retrieve a sock puppet kit for $4? Sock puppet… kit? Sock… Puppet… Kit. What have we come to?

Continue reading Arts + Crafts = Cheap Laffs

Resolved: Celebrity Hunger Strikes Don’t Accomplish Much

At the end of April, actress Mia Farrow embarked upon a hunger strike in order to call attention to continuing troubles in the Darfur region of Sudan. She pledged to fast for three weeks, only drinking water, to draw media attention to the plight of refugees in Darfur, where welfare agencies have been exiled and essentially barred from helping to care for and feed the refugees. She chronicled the experience through videos posted to YouTube. In one she says, “Of course, I don’t expect that me on a hunger strike is going to do that much. But if it provides a news hook for newspapers so they can talk about what’s really important, then that will be worth it.”

Continue reading Resolved: Celebrity Hunger Strikes Don’t Accomplish Much

The Perfect Date: Spargelfest & Taking The Air

Two friends of mine have commented, at different times and unbeknownst to each other, that I’m pretty much an old lady. Why? I guess because I prefer to stay home, pretty much, and I go to bed early. And I drink a lot of tea. And I use words like “unbeknownst” and say things to myself like, “I’m having a devil of a time threading this needle!”

But the Black Forest Inn in Minneapolis is having a celebration from May 22-31st that all dorky “old ladies” of German heritage like me (and I suppose people who refer to themselves as “foodies”), will coo over: Spargelfest! What is it? Why, it’s a celebration of that most old lady of vegetables, asparagus. One eats many asparagus-laden dishes and then perhaps “takes the air” on Nicollet Avenue. A promenade, if you will, down a street filled with “boom cars” that need to be tsk-tsk’d.

Continue reading The Perfect Date: Spargelfest & Taking The Air

Me, Me, Me, Me, Me, Me, Me & Me

I come across a lot of terrible writing through my job. One e-mail “letter” that I read recently has been bugging me a lot, not just because it’s so awful in terms of grammar and punctuation but because it’s just plain stupid and drives home the fact that, often, when you want something, you mostly need to be coherent and kind to the person you’re asking. I think about this in terms of this letter (we’ll get back to the letter in a minute) but it applies to all kinds of situations.

Continue reading Me, Me, Me, Me, Me, Me, Me & Me

I’m Not Upset, I’m Eating My Salad!

You guys will never believe what happened on the next episode of Real Housewives of New York. Another lunch! Salads were consumed! Women were miffed!

Here is my version of the luncheon conversation between Countess LuAnn and Bethenny:

LuAnn approaches table in usual headscarf and big sunglasses.

LuAnn: Thanks for inviting me to lunch!

Bethenny: Don’t be too excited. I’m really pissed at you.

LuAnn: At moi? Porquoi? (translation: At me? Why?)

Continue reading I’m Not Upset, I’m Eating My Salad!

The “Reality” of Bored, Rich Housewives

OK, so I just discovered The Real Housewives of… franchise on BRAVO. What can I say, I don’t have cable. I can hear the horrified intake of collective breath. No cable! But that’s another story.

Here’s what I, after viewing three episodes from the current New York season, take away from it. It’s a very thin line between ridiculous and boring. The truth is, there is absolutely nothing happening. It must be a feat of endurance for the editors to go through hours of footage to cobble together enough material for episodes when this is what you have to work with: tennis, horse riding, dull-as-dirt lunches, charity parties and verbal sniping of the caliber I experienced in my very Midwestern, middle-class high school. And yet, I keep watching, hoping, waiting…

Continue reading The “Reality” of Bored, Rich Housewives

Web 2.0 + Sadomasochism = Head Trip

A couple Fridays ago, I went to a day conference about using “Web 2.0” and “social networking” for nonprofits. I went to sessions about using social media to enhance marketing, improve relationships and visibility with journalists and how to make your website come up higher on search engines.

Yes, a truly wild and crazy time was had by all.

Continue reading Web 2.0 + Sadomasochism = Head Trip

Ripitude Adjustment

The third workout, Resistance, went by like a dream.

Then I was struck with a bit of a cold. Just enough to make even contemplating another round of cardio (next up on the rotation) painful.

But today it was time to bell up or shut up. I insisted on repeating Cardio Workout Week 1 again because I felt that I hadn’t “mastered” it. The truth is that I’m scared of what Week 2 will entail. At least this way I knew what was coming even if I didn’t like it.

Continue reading Ripitude Adjustment


I admit to being scared last night before the Great Core Workout of 09. First there was the fact that I am still having trouble sitting and walking after the cardio workout. Next there is the Mystery Foot Problem. Some mysterious hurt has been angering my left foot for over a week. But you don’t want to read about that.

You want to read about CORE!

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Ripitude Devolves Into Suckitude

Workout Number One.

What a joke.

Before our first workout, Cardio Week 1 (the Six Week Transformation takes you through 3 DVDs that you rotate continually: Cardio, Core, Resistance), on Saturday, we were all laughs and smiles. “Ripitude!” “Let’s do this!” Halfway through I felt as if I was in the middle of a nightmare about a boot camp. Before the workout, I was worried that we wouldn’t get enough out of just one session per workout. Perhaps we’d want to do two sessions per day. After all, a session is only 20 minutes.

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From Here On Out, It’s All About Ripitude

Last Saturday morning I woke up and plopped myself on the couch to watch KARE-11’s Saturday morning “news” show. I tune in so I can complain loudly about the parade of paid-advertisements they have on in the guise of “guests.” Horribly drawn books for children. People shilling products that are really their at-home craft projects. And then there’s the constant stream of local restaurants and grocery stores telling us what to make for every occasion. Never before in my life have I ever ordered anything from TV or, to my knowledge, something featured on a TV show. The only regret I have is not ordering Freedom Rock back in the day. Continue reading From Here On Out, It’s All About Ripitude

The Milkman’s On His Way

This past weekend I watched Gold Diggers of 1935, directed by Busby Berkeley. The plot is banal: a rich family arrives at a resort and a bunch of people are after their money. The daughter of the family (already an adult but not married so, you know, she can’t live on her own) is engaged to a complete idiot with a lot of money whose hobby is collecting and writing about snuff boxes. She doesn’t want to marry him; she wants to have fun. She convinces her mother that she should have one last summer of merriment before her wedding in the fall.

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