Tag Archives: Keith Pille

Episode 3: Get More Stuff Here

Stuff from the stuff episode:

There is so much being written about the Queen of Tidiness, Marie Kondo, right now. You can also see her in action at the 92nd Street Y (or just get the highlights from New York Magazine). And you can read accounts from people who have Kondo’s much more thoroughly than I have.

Want to fold using the Kondo method? There are tutorials for that:


Me, I’m still balling up my socks.

If you enjoy the music featured in the episodes, you can listen to full versions of the songs, or download them, on derailleurtheband.com or theawesomeboys.com.

A trip to an Arc Value Village thrift never disappoints.

The weirdest thing I found on my recent trip was this guy, encased in a bell jar. His name was Izzy Guilty and he was a Christmas gift that someone seems to have kept, out of guilt or maybe just forgetfulness, since 1984. I imagine that the day came for retirement, the office was cleaned, and this was promptly dropped off at Arc.


I also didn’t purchase:

Boy George Coffee Table BookOr

Charlton Heston and The Bible

But this little guy  (he’s a candle!) did get to come home with me, for sure.

Orange dog with big eyes


Promote Gentlemanry

GGFundraiser blog

If you’re a regular reader of Not Shallow, then you may have read an earlier post about the webcomic Gentleman’s Gentleman, which is drawn by my husband, Keith Pille. He’s currently raising funds on kickstarter.com for a print edition of G.G., with an entire “rewards” system set up for backers (my only complaint, really, is that I feel a gian SloPoke should be a reward for the $20 level, just like in grade school when you sold magazine subscriptions). He just started fundraising last week and he’s already about 30% there, which is tremendous, I think.

Even without the hoopla of physical rewards, backing G.G. is pretty great just because you’re supporting a specific endeavor of someone who works a day job and then spends a hell of a lot of time drawing cartoons because he loves it and believes in it. Every time I start to feel lazy about Not Shallow, he’s at his drawing board, cooking up another comic and I think, “Damn you! Damn you and your DIY ambition to hell!” But I’m not really mad. I’m inspired.

I’m asking anyone out there who gives a damn about comics, cartoons, etc. to consider backing this project for $10 or $20. Today we all got the news that Harvey Pekar died and I saw that someone tweeted, “In honor of Harvey Pekar, spend some time today drawing comics that are yours and don’t belong to a big corporation.”

I feel the same way about writing. Spend some time today writing (or painting or crafting or cooking) just because you can and because you love it!

If you’ve never been to kickstarter.com before, you’ll find many other worthy projects there as well. If comics aren’t your thing, at least take a look at all the other projects people want to do. If you would rather fund a short film about a school for clowns or a photography exhibit about dog noses, that’s your prerogative, just like Bobby Brown sez.

Funny WebComic Shiz: Gentleman’s Gentleman

Gent 2Another Fun & Exciting Summer item: the webcomic Gentleman’s Gentleman. The most recent lesson is about drinking games. The aim of Gentleman’s Gentleman is simple: to bring the light of gentlemanly manners to an uncouth, faintly scuzzy world. You may recall my post about the rules of being a gentleman’s gentleman… oh, you don’t? Well, you can read it here.

Yes, the artist/cartoonist is my ball and chain, Keith Pille. Ball and chain! Ha ha ha! I just made that up.

My top Gentleman’s Gentlemen (this week):

1. Tim Gunn
2. Dominic Dunn
3. George Clooney
4. Tony Bennett
5. Paul Newman

Check out the comic, bookmark it, learn the lessons, LIVE IT!

The FRIDAY Outlook – June 26th, 2009 Oops!

aaron1. Keith’s book, Nowhere Band, Volume 1: Live From St. Paul is out! Head on over to Lulu and order one in full, delightful color or crisp black and white. What’s Nowhere Band? It’s a web comic loosely based on Keith’s experiences as a bottom feeder in the Minneapolis music scene (or it could be any music scene – its more about the funny dynamics in a band than Minneapolis specifically). On his site he says, “For about ten years, I’ve been making music and writing about it, and Nowhere Band is what happens when all of this experience collides with my obsession over comics. Check out Nowhere Band online and, if you enjoy what you see, consider buying the first 56 strips in handy book format that you can reference anytime – like when you’re out camping or riding the bus or, I don’t know, driving.  Or consider buying it as a gift for the loved one in your life who hasn’t given up the dream of Rock And Roll Hootchie Coo. Support your local cartoonist! Start seeing cartoonists!

Continue reading The FRIDAY Outlook – June 26th, 2009 Oops!