Category Archives: Fashion!

Clothing, style, vintage, resale, lookin’ good, feelin’ good.

Hell is Shopping for a Swimming Suit

vintage-suit.jpgI’m the gal who doesn’t think about acquiring a new suit until it’s the middle of July. Imagine my surprise to find that everything is picked over, out of stock or just cleaned up and put away, save for a tiny rack of bikinis fit for third graders. No, the American Girl dolls that third graders lug around.

The scene at Macy’s yesterday was one of utter disgruntlement. I wasn’t the only one feeling it. There were several of us just weaving around the racks as if we were the lone survivors of the Swimming Suit Apocalypse, destined to browse through racks and racks of mismatched lycra. I’ve never seen such a hodge podge of shit! Could someone be hired to keep this all straight?

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Gunn’s Top Ten Wardrobe Staples

I think I’ve almost exhausted Tim Gunn’s book about style but thought I would post his “Top Ten” list of pieces a woman should have in her closet. It’s kind of ridiculous and then there is a lot of truth here as well. I wish I would have had a copy of this to give to the woman I saw waiting for the bus this morning wearing a mint green long sleeved shirt and mom jeans. Strange outfit but also – it’s July! It’s going to be 80 degrees! What are you wearing? And who looks good in mint green? What skin tone does mint go nicely with? I contend no skin tone. But I’m being bitchy this week so maybe when I’m in a better mood I will embrace mint green…

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Climbing Up on The Sandal Soapbox

sportsandal-1.jpgI’m not going to name any names here but I must put this out there: Men, pay attention to what you wear on your feet! Especially in summer.

Men and sandals… the age-old problem. Some wear socks with their sandals. Some wear leather sandals with so many straps and buckles, you can’t tell what’s going on down there. And then… there is the “sport sandal.” The sport sandal has its place. Like, outside when sporting. I think the same rules apply to sport sandals for men as to flip flops for women. Outside, going to the store, in the backyard, at the beach, cleaning the car… etc.

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