Category Archives: podcast

Episode 13: Hot to (Turkey) Trot

Happy Thanksgiving, you guys! This episode is all about food, movies and parades. What more do you need?

Extra goodness from this episode: you can witness the Barney carnage for yourself in this video from the 1997 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. It was a day of high winds and calamity.


Episode 5: The Livin’ Is Easy

It’s finally summer! In this episode, learn how to be a rad wedding guest with advice from the fashion mags, hear about a very shitty summer job, and find out which books made the cut for the Not Shallow Summer Reading List. (Spoiler alert: the books are not very beachy but if you like celebrity tell-alls, you won’t be disappointed).


Episode 4: I’ve Got the Music In Me

In this episode, it’s all about the music. Learn about one man’s struggle to come to terms with his love for emergent nightclub dancing, explore reasons why classic rock radio continues to exist, and hear about some first concert experiences. Oh, and a special album recommendation.