I was messing around with my camera this morning, learning how to take a photo using the timer option. This one went off while I was trying to figure out what to do with my face and kind of showcases one of my natural expressions:

I like to call it the How Dare You! photo. “How dare you go off, camera, before I’m ready? I am disgusted with you.”
I think I could use this photo to get a job on a soap opera, if they weren’t all disappearing. Maybe a show like Ringer? BTW, they should have called that show Dead Ringer for more pizzazz. CSI? “Really, criminal? You really think you can fool us, the detective people?” I look as though I’m staring into the eyes of a worthless piece of scum, someone who lures children off playgrounds with the promise of Tootsie Rolls and photos of puppies.
I don’t think this is going on LinkedIn.
Also, through this process I re-discovered that one of my eyes is bigger than the other but if I have my head slightly tilted, it is harder to tell. I think this is valuable information.